Good info, thanks. More stuff to keep in mind for the future.
Never ran the .184" boosters in my Gold Claw. I've run it in only 2 cofigs, the 1.425 v w/ .160" downlegs and the 1.562 v w/ BGs screw-in annular boosters.
With the limited amount of time I spent trying to sort out the 1.562 AN combo, it never ran any better on the track and definitely didn't run as clean on the street. I cut loose my 1.562 & 1.590 sleeves, the annular boosters & the .184" downlegs, expecting I'd keep it simple and stick w/ the 1.425 & 1.500 sleeves and the .160" downlegs. Haven't ever tried the 1.500 sleeves, either.
Here's the BG today, with nothing but a fuel bowl change to hard-coated BLP/Braswell "Bat" bowls to shed a little weight and add some fuel slosh baffles not found in the BG or early Holley zinc fuel bowls.
Also, I spent some time w/ the .160" downlegs removing the casting lines on both the exterior of the boosters and inside right above their machined step... cuz I figured it couldn't be doing anything "good" for how they function (especially on the inside where the lines would disrupt airflow just above where the fuel exits the booster).