by GTO Geoff » Fri Jan 21, 2022 6:47 am
I agree with a lot of your comments in your last post.
And let me congratulate you on using MVA to give the engine the proper ign timing at idle that the engine wants. So many just don't get it....
Disagree that 4 corner idle is needed. A quote from the late, great John Passini says it best in his quaint English way: 'Idle can only suffer from richness; there is always sufficient range on the mixture screw to deal with weakness [ leanness ]'
Carter patented the 'Economizer' concept. Carter AFBs, AVS, TQ, Rochester QJ & 2bbls use it. Not sure about Stromberg & others. Also called the idle down channel [ IDC ]. It is a jet that controls [ volume ] the A/F mix available to the transfer slot. Sometimes the IDC needs to be increased with big cams etc to avoid surging at cruise. Extremely hard to access on Carters above. On the TQ, it is buried in the air horn, about 1 1/4" in & requires long drill bits. QJ is very easy to access. As far as I can tell, brand H & clones just have a large-ish hole in the met block & not really specifically sized, just made 'big' to cover all possibilities. It is my opinion that this omission by H to properly size the IDC orifice is what makes them gas guzzlers.
Tailing off of the idle cct as the main cct starts, getting it correct. You would use the IAB to do this.