INDY TunnelRam
Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2022 3:12 pm
Hello/HNY all, It's been awhile since I've posted so, I will give some updates for reference purposes. I have a 11:1 CR home-built 485CID BBM enigine with INDY SR heads and INDY 2x4 Tunnelram. It makes about 800HP now using old Proform 1.38 downleg bodies over 1.75 baseplates on 100LL avgas. I'm doing a new 540CID engine now with better heads (900-925HP) and considering Q16 AS THINGS EVOLVE DOWN THE ROAD. With that said I feel I should at a minimum use larger airhorns. The plenum on these intakes is SMALL, I've added a spacer but, at 485CID I'm around 70%. I want to stay 4150 based for many reasons. I could buy bodies and swap them out, WHAT DO YOU FEEL IS THE BEST SOLUTION? I'm thinking 1.5x bodies with annular boosters which would be modular enough to transition to Q16 later. I'm free to share any info about the platform if you feel it's relevant.